We are followers of Jesus who daily love God and the people in our community and world. Valley View sponsors missionaries spreading the Gospel worldwide with financial gifts, prayer, and in-person visits. This is accomplished through prayer, provision, and presence.
Valley View Global Missions Strategy
Prayer: Prayer is the strongest support
Valley View constantly prays for its missionaries. We know what is going on in their lives and earnestly seek the Father on their behalf; praying that our Lord would protect them, give them perseverance, and open doors for the Gospel to be clearly proclaimed.
Presence: Active involvement in the lives of missionaries is vital.
Missionaries are encouraged with regular updates about Valley View, contacted about upcoming mission trips, and asked to share experiences that demonstrate God’s work being implemented.
Provision: Our gifts of financial support will be substantial.
Valley View’s financial support is intentional and impactful proving that we are a church who believes that missionaries and the work they do are highly valuable.
Missionary in West Africa: Training Tomorrow’s Leaders
Partner Information: Training Tomorrow's Leaders exists to facilitate the planting of new churches in West Africa by financially supporting indigenous church planters, training indigenous church planters, and facilitating projects that will enable new churches to be planted.
TTL was founded by missionaries David and Barbara Kalbs, who spent almost 30 years serving in Ghana, West Africa. The first church planter was sent out in 1991, and today, TTL works with about 30 indigenous church planters who have together started over 125 churches in Northern Ghana, Northern Togo, and Burkina Faso.
For more information, click here!
Missionary in Ukraine, Poland, Germany: Pioneer Bible Translators
Partner Information: Pioneer Bible Translators® (PBT) bridges the gap between the church and the Bibleless people around the world. Our team is composed of Bible translators, literacy evangelists, church planters, and a variety of support personnel working to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language.
In 1981, PBT had 15 members and now has 622 adults and 276 children working in 32 countries in 123 languages that impact 189 million people.
For more information, click here!
Missionary in Austin, Texas: Orchard Group
Partner Information: Josiah and Jessica Weece are ministering with a new church plant from Trace Church in Colorado Springs, CO. See https://tracechurch.com for more information. Trace Church is part of a church planting organization, Orchard Group, based in Newtown, PA. Orchard Group has been connecting church planters to cities needing church plants since 1948.
For more information, click here!
Missionary in Thailand: Christian Ministry to the Orient
Partner Information: Carmen Filbeck has served with Christian Ministry to the Orient (CMO) in Thailand for 26 years. She currently serves as the Administrative Director for Lanna Theological Center (LTC), a leadership training center located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. For 40 years, LTC has been training leaders from multiple ethnic groups and denominations. Alumni are serving in Thailand and Laos in all kinds of ministries.
For more information, click here!
Missionary in Italy: Pioneer Bible Translators
Partner Information: In 2014, Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT) established a team operating out of an old Abbey in the small town of Breme, Italy, to serve their field missionaries around the world. Beginning in 2017, the Wilkos joined the PBT team in Italy. Charlie is the Abbey renovator and also typesets scriptures from around the world. Their biggest thrill is seeing the Lord touch and transform people’s lives.
For more information, click here!
Missionary in South Korea: English Leadership Ministry
Partner Information: English Leadership Ministry (ELM) exists to empower North Korean young adults to become leaders and witnesses of Christ in our local and global community through education. This is accomplished two ways: 1) Provide English education, mentorship, Bible studies and leadership training. 2) Practice grace through life together in a safe and harboring Christian community. Sam and Lilly Osee are native Dallasites who were members of Valley View Christian Church from 2010 to 2018 when they moved to South Korea to start serving North Koreans. They continue to advocate for North Koreans and help overcome the generalizations of North Korean people.
For more information, click here!
Missionary in Missouri: Schrage Christian Mission
Partner Information: Schrage Christian Mission (SCM) is celebrating 40 years of mission work. SCM was incorporated in 1983 and VVCC began financially supporting that team in 1990 as they planted churches, established an orphanage and educational entities, and supported Good News Productions International (GPNI). VVCC began to specifically support the Schrage Christian Mission in 1999. Mike and Karolyn arrived in Kenya on January 10, 1984. They moved to West Pokot, Kenya, learned the Pokot language, and lived with the people using agriculture and nursing to make relational inroads.
For more information, click here!
Missionary in Guatemala: Morning Glory Christian Academy
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a fully accredited, private school forming the educational branch of the New Iberian Mission Association. The late Lori Nij, a former intern at Valley View Christian Church, established the school in 2001 in San Raymundo, Guatemala. Morning Glory’s mission is to educate, equip, and encourage the community through relationships to cultivate Biblical Integrity, responsibility, and confidence in their lives by offering classes from Pre-K to College Entry level, with students from four to eighteen years of age. There are currently nearly 600 students and over 50 staff members.
For more information, click here!
Interested in serving on the Missions Team?
Local Outreach Programs
Our vision for the people of Valley View Christian Church is that we would reflect His love to the people around us. Each person has a unique way to contribute to the Love Dallas initiative, and we can't wait to see what it looks like for you.
After school tutoring
Help elementary students in Valley View’s neighborhood with their homework and reading on Mondays and Wednesdays during the school year! You must fill out a background check to be approved to serve in this ministry.
Email jenhall7@verizon.net to join the volunteer team.
We do not just want to give a little here and there; instead, our financial support is intentional and impactful. We want to be a "sending church"; where our missionaries are confident we know their mission is highly valuable, and that we love how the Lord is working through them.
We are constantly praying for these brothers and sisters. We know what is going on in their lives and are earnestly seeking the Father on their behalf: praying that our Lord would protect them, praying that God would give them perseverance, and praying that He, who is able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine, would continually open doors for the Gospel so they can proclaim Him clearly.
We encourage our missionaries with regular visits! Our goal is to visit each supported missionary with a group trip at least once every three years. These visits enable us to be eyewitnesses of God's work, helps us spur them on to continue their labor, and lets us literally join them in their work!